Reading: 5 minutesIn the face of burnout, fragile mental health and recurring depressive episodes, sometimes a pause is essential. Taking a step back, carving out time for oneself. But going on a spiritual retreat isn’t always straightforward. You need to choose the right format, the right length… and, most importantly, understand the pros and cons of the […]
The Magic Powers Of Psilocybin
Reading: 6 minutesMushrooms That Grow Everywhere They grow in damp undergrowth, on manure heaps, or hidden in the grass, concealed from those unaware of their power… Visually, hallucinogenic mushrooms are indistinguishable from their non-psychedelic counterparts. Yet, their effects and their impact on human consciousness are immense. Their organism has adapted to most environments. For millennia, they have […]
Reading: 5 minutesContrary to popular belief, anorexia nervosa is not just about food. While it is an eating disorder, its causes are far more complex than a mere desire to lose weight. This illness profoundly disrupts the lives of those affected, as well as their loved ones, who often feel powerless. Behind the statistics and diagnoses lie […]
Reading: 5 minutesUnder the impetus of the United States, many psychoactive substances were prohibited in the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances. This political decision, led by the UN, aimed primarily at limiting the spread of psychedelic drugs such as LSD, ayahuasca and psilocybin. Since 1971, individuals who wish to consume psychedelics have therefore been forced to rely […]
Reading: 4 minutesIf you’ve seen the movie The King’s Speech, you know the answer is yes. The film depicts King George VI of England struggling with this speech disorder and overcoming it before ascending the throne. In fact, several celebrities have achieved this feat. Bruce Willis, Joe Biden, Marilyn Monroe, and Julia Roberts all struggled with stuttering […]
Reading: 5 minutesSound therapy (or sound healing) invites us into a mystical knowledge that echoes the origins of life. Its aim is as simple as it is profound: to bring well-being through sound vibrations that stir the emotions. Music is part of our daily lives. After a busy day or while walking in the street, we use […]
Reading: 5 minutesThe San Pedro Cactus (Echinopsis pachanoi) is a plant native to the Andes, flourishing on the high plateaus of Peru and Ecuador. Its striking green body, covered with spines, blooms with delicate white flowers during the night. However, this hallucinogenic cactus is far more than just a botanical curiosity. For millennia, it has captivated indigenous […]
Reading: 5 minutesAlcohol dependence affects 280 million people worldwide. It’s a significant issue because alcohol withdrawal is a challenging process, with a high risk of relapse. As a result, mental health research is focusing on the effects of psilocybin on addiction. Magic mushrooms offer hope for real progress in the treatment of alcoholism. Beyond the hopes, can […]
Reading: 6 minutesBreathing is the fundamental act of life. Whether you’re a workaholic, a heavy sleeper, or a Netflix addict, it’s the activity we do the most. Yet, stress, a sedentary lifestyle, and pollution have caused us to lose the instinct to breathe properly. However, effective breathing promotes good physical and mental health. Breathwork is a technique […]
Reading: 6 minutesMagic mushrooms are gradually establishing themselves as a potential therapeutic option for various mental health disorders. Following impressive results with depression and anxiety, it is natural that psilocybin therapies are now offering hope to people suffering from OCD. However, the disorder remains poorly understood. Doctors struggle to diagnose it, and many people remain unaware for […]
Reading: 6 minutesThe psychedelic journey is an extraordinary experience. And for good reason, there is nothing ordinary about feeling heightened emotions or experiencing a grand and bizarre inner film that no one else can witness. The name Ayahuasca alone carries a promise of mystical adventure in the great tradition of the Amazonian peoples. But beyond the clichés, […]
Reading: 5 minutesDepression affects approximately 3.8% of the global population, including 5% of adults. Among them, 4% of men and 6% of women are currently experiencing a prolonged depressive episode. Psilocybin mushrooms are thus of significant mental health interest for these individuals. While antidepressants and psychotherapy are effective for many, a substantial portion remains stuck in a […]
Reading: 10 minutesMagic mushrooms are always a stimulating topic of discussion, whether you are for or against them, curious, or an expert. In talking with some of your acquaintances, you may have already made a surprising discovery: it’s a less taboo subject than it seems. And some people you wouldn’t suspect might have already tried psychedelic mushrooms. […]
Reading: 7 minutesWhat is MDMA? Whether out of interest in alternative therapies or through media, we’ve all heard of MDMA or its street names, ecstasy or Molly. It is actually a synthetic molecule (Methylenedioxymethamphetamine) belonging to the amphetamine family. It has been the subject of several recent scientific studies. Indeed, it has been discovered that it could […]
Reading: 8 minutesWhat dosage of magic mushrooms works best? Since the release of Netflix documentaries like Michael Pollan’s How to Change your Mind, more and more people have developed a real interest in psilocybin or psychedelic substances. However, dosing protocols are sometimes still vague, and the question of the right dose often comes up in conversations. The […]
Reading: 8 minutesThe topic of psychotropic substances is often accompanied by understandable apprehensions. This concerns primarily revolve around three aspects: addiction, contraindications, and the risk of a Bad Trip. The best way to address these three themes is, first and foremost, through education.
Reading: 6 minutesA Mystical Gateway to the Unknown Since time immemorial, humanity has sought ways to connect with the divine, to understand the inexplicable, and to access higher states of consciousness. From this quest for meaning, art, religions, and spirituality have emerged. Nothing less!
Reading: 6 minutesAccording to the World Health Organization, over 300 million people suffer from depression worldwide. In France, it’s 21% of the population, and in the United States, 19%. While these numbers have been steadily increasing for the past 50 years, the problem is not new. The quest for effective antidepressant treatments has thus always more or […]
Reading: 5 minutesFor us, it’s always a miracle. And in June 2023, it was even more special as we were visiting this residence for the first time, near Heerenveen. Organizing a psychedelic retreat has been the dream of Tangerine Retreat‘s founder, Arnaud. Each retreat is an opportunity to meet new people, deepen our methods, and find the […]
Reading: 9 minutesCan depression be treated with psychedelic retreats? Faced with the challenges of living with depression, each person seeks their own path to healing. People explore different therapies, alternative approaches, or spiritual practices. Some may consult a psychiatrist or opt for talk therapy. Others explore different therapies, alternative approaches, or spiritual practices. In the quest for […]
Reading: 3 minutesA 56-year-old Frenchman, Claude, microdosed on psilocybin truffles in 2022 before attending a retreat in 2023. He had a profound and deeply connected experience, feeling a strong sense of communion. “I’m quite an anxious person. I have been for a long time.” How did you come to be interested in psilocybin? I was never really […]
Reading: 3 minutes“I found out that the retreat can reveal a lot of personal insight” How long have you been interested in psychedelics? Not for very long… As a matter of fact, I always thought they were a gateway to addiction and all the problems that come with it. That’s why I’d never tried any, until a […]
Reading: 4 minutesVincent is a 33-year-old man who’s originally from France but recently moved to the Netherlands. He first experimented with psychedelics recreationally before seeking to embark on a deeper journey on a retreat.
Reading: 7 minutesWhat are shrooms? The term “shrooms” is a familiar and abbreviated way to refer to psilocybe mushrooms. The use of the word “shrooms” was popularized in the 1970s under the influence of underground and new-age circles. Simply put, in most cases “shrooms” are associated with recreational use and “magic mushrooms” with spiritual use.
Reading: 5 minutesIsaac is a 48-year-old American who manages multiple businesses in a big city. For the first time in his life, he participated in a retreat in the Netherlands after going through several episodes of stress and depression. “Psychedelics has become a passion” How long have you been interested in psychedelics? It’s very recent, but my […]
Reading: 10 minutesMagic truffles vs magic mushrooms In the world of psilocybin, it’s crucial to differentiate between magic mushrooms and magic truffles. There are both legal and physiological reasons for this. Firstly, only psilocybin truffles are legal in psychedelic retreats in the Netherlands. And secondly, “truffles” and “mushrooms” don’t refer to the same part of a mushroom’s […]
Reading: 9 minutesIn the Netherlands, magic mushrooms are legal in the form of truffles: we invite you to respect the laws of your country before embarking on any personal endeavor.
Reading: 12 minutesIt’s hard to say which is the best documentary on magic mushrooms and psychedelics… There are so many choices out there! If one of the most well-known ones is ‘How to Change Your Mind,’ there are also many others available on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, or Youtube. We’ve selected the 12 documentaries on mushrooms and […]
Reading: 5 minutesBookshops are teeming with titles all about psychedelic experiences. But it’s not always easy to separate serious publications from mere literary fads and find books that can be really useful to you in your personal quest. Here are four books on psilocybin that are recognised for their academic yet accessible approaches. We’ve chosen authors that […]
Reading: 6 minutesAvailable on : Netflix Production date : 2018 Directed by : Monty Wates Duration : 79 minutes Official website Synopsis of Magic Medicine What if magic mushrooms were just as good as chemical antidepressants at treating chronic depression? It may not seem like it, but for the scientific community, this simple question has started a […]