General conditions

HomeGeneral conditions

Revision of the general conditions on October 07, 2025

Article 1 – Definitions

In these general conditions the following definitions will be used:

General Conditions: These General Conditions and all its clauses, which form an integral part of the retreat agreement between the client and Tangerine Institute.

Tangerine Institute: Tangerine Institute B.V.

Course Fees: The complete fee of the offered retreat including registration fee, as mentioned on the website.

Client: Any individual acting outside of a professional or corporal activity as defined in article 6:230g sub 1 (a) of the Dutch Civil Code, or any corporation acting as the formal party to the Retreat Agreement with Tangerine Institute. The Client is also the person who participates in a Retreat Course facilitated by Tangerine Institute.

In Writing: any form of written or electronic communication.

Retreat Course: A three-day psilocybin retreat course organized by Tangerine Institute.

Retreat Material: Retreat material, class material or instruction material, documentation or any other material in whatever form used as a part of the Retreat Course.

Request: The request by the client to Tangerine Institute to participate in a Retreat Course organized by Tangerine Institute.

Retreat Agreement: The agreement between Tangerine Institute and the Client concerning the organization and participation in a Retreat Course, drafted by Tangerine Institute. The retreat agreement can be established as a remote agreement by using exclusively one or several methods of remote communication as stated in art. 6:230g part 1 sub e in the Dutch Civil Code, such as electronic communication..

Digital Registration Form: The registration form made available online or by e-mail to the client in order to sign up for a retreat.

Electronic Communication: Digital content sent to one or several recipients of an email address as well as digital content sent from the Website.

Website: The website of Tangerine Institute:

Article 2 – Applicability

2.1 By registering for a Retreat Course, the Client accepts the applicability of the General Conditions. Tangerine Institute explicitly rejects the applicability of the general conditions of the Client, however named.

2.2 Deviations from the General Conditions will have no effect, unless specifically agreed upon in writing between Tangerine Institute and the client. 

2.3 In any circumstance which is not covered by the Retreat Agreement or the General Conditions, Tangerine Institute will make an effort to come to a reasonable solution for both parties.

2.4 Any complete or partial invalidity, ineffectiveness or conflict of a clause in these General Conditions with legislation, the Retreat Agreement or another article of these General Conditions does not affect the validity or effectiveness of the rest of these General Conditions.

Article 3 – Proposal 

3.1 Every proposal for attendance to a Retreat Course by Tangerine Institute is non-binding and can be withdrawn at any time. The proposal will be available in writing by publication on the Website.

3.2 The proposal mentions in a clear and comprehensive manner the following information:

a) the main performances under the Retreat Agreement;

b) the starting date of the Retreat Course;

c) any condition under which the Retreat Course might not proceed;

d) the admission requirements for the Retreat Course;

e) the price including all extra costs and taxes;

f) the method of payment;

g) the duration of the Retreat Agreement.

3.3 Without prejudice to the information in 3.1 and 3.2, the proposal for a Retreat Agreement which qualifies as a remotely concluded agreement also includes the following information:

a) the identity and address of Tangerine Institute, including the visiting address of Tangerine Institute;

b) the client’s right to withdrawal the Retreat Agreement within 14 calendar days.

Article 4 – Retreat Agreement

4.1 The Client will request a Retreat Agreement with Tangerine Institute by registering for a Retreat Course. Registration for a Retreat Course takes place by e-mail using the digital registration form provided by Tangerine Institute.

4.2 The Retreat Agreement is concluded between Tangerine Institute and the Client at the moment Tangerine Institute accepts the registration for a Retreat Course when Tangerine Institute has confirmed In Writing the registration and the receipt of the deposit for the Retreat Course. This confirmation is also valid as a proof of registration for the relevant Retreat Course.

4.3 The Client may at any time, In Writing, cancel attendance to the Retreat Course and terminate the Retreat Agreement. Tangerine Institute will provide the client with confirmation of the termination In Writing. For termination, after expiry of the withdrawal period of 14 days with respect to an electronically concluded remote Retreat Agreement, the following cancellation provisions will apply. These percentages relate to the Course Fee to be paid by the Client based on the Retreat Agreement:

  • Cancellation until three (3) months prior to commencement: 10% of the Course Fee will be charged, anything above this will be refunded by Tangerine Institute.
  • Cancellation between three (3) months and one (1) month prior to commencement: 50% of the Course Fee will be charged, anything above this will be refunded by Tangerine Institute.
  • Cancellation between one (1) month and two (2) weeks prior to commencement: 80% of the Course Price will be charged, anything above this will be refunded by Tangerine Institute.
  • Cancellation less than two (2) weeks prior to commencement: 100% of the Course Fee will be charged.

To protect yourself against any inability to participate in the retreat, it is recommended to take out individual cancellation insurance. This insurance should cover cancellation fees for reasons such as illness, transportation issues, or any other circumstance preventing attendance at the scheduled retreat. Please note that no refunds will be possible if cancellation occurs less than two weeks before the first day of the retreat.

4.4 The Client is not authorized to transfer the rights and obligations of the Retreat Agreement to any third party other than the Participant as registered on the digital registration form. 

4.5 In case of insufficient registrations for the Retreat Course, Tangerine Institute is entitled, without obligation of any compensation, to terminate the Retreat Agreement at any time, either in its integrity or partially. In case of cancellation of the Retreat Course, Tangerine Institute has no obligation to compensate any damage except for the compensation of the Course Fees paid by the Client.

4.6 These General Conditions are integrally part of the general provision of information by Tangerine Institute and will be (digitally) made available to the Client prior to concluding the Retreat Agreement in such a way that Client can open them and save them for later inspection. At the request of the client, Tangerine Institute will send a copy of the general conditions free of cost.

4.7 The General Conditions are part of any agreement contracted with Tangerine Institute regarding the participation in a Retreat Course.

4.8 In case the Client is entitled to a refund payment, Tangerine Institute will process the refund not later than 14 days after the decision that the Client is entitled to a refund.

Article 5 – Application & Identification

5.1 When registering for a Retreat Course, the Client is obliged to register with his/her complete name, as mentioned on his/ her identification card, on the digital registration form. Tangerine Institute should be informed In Writing in case the participant to the Retreat Course is not the same as the Client. 

5.2 The Client is obliged to carry a valid identification card during the retreat and to show his/her identification at the request of the facilitator of Tangerine Institute.

5.3 To register to a Tangerine Institute Retreat Course, the Client needs to complete the application process on the website. A medical questionnaire must then be filled. It is for your safety and wellbeing to provide us with correct, accurate and up-to-date information.

5.4 Following the application, we may have some additional questions. We will then contact the Client.

5.5 The application will be reviewed within 7 days. We may reject the application without the obligation to provide any explanation.

5.6 Once the application is approved, the Client will be asked to pay the retreat fee.

5.7 Refusal: at any time during or after the application, Tangerine Institute may refuse the participation without the obligation to provide any explanation. In this case, the Client will get a full refund of the Retreat Course but no compensation for any other costs incurred.

Article 6 – Payment

6.1 If the application is accepted by Tangerine Institute, the Client has to make a deposit payment of 50% of the Retreat Fees.

6.2 The remaining Retreat Fees have to be paid ultimately one (1) month prior to the starting date of the retreat.

6.3 If the client doesn’t pay the remaining amount in time, the registration will be cancelled and a 10% cancellation fee will be deducted from the deposit payment. Anything above this amount will be refunded by Tangerine Institute.

Article 7 – Course Fees

7.1 The Course Fees and the payment methods are mentioned on the Website.

7.2 All prices mentioned by Tangerine Institute are including VAT.

Article 8 – Health Declaration

8.1 The Client commits to providing all information regarding their physical and mental health, as well as any medical treatments and/or dependencies, in a comprehensive and accurate manner. This information will remain strictly confidential and will only be disclosed to individuals working for the company.

8.2 In the event of nondisclosure or misrepresentation by a Client concerning any of the elements mentioned above, they must notify Tangerine Retreat by email at least 30 days before the start of the retreat they are registered for.

8.3 In the absence of correction of any erroneous, concealed, or omitted information that would render the Client ineligible or unfit to participate in the Retreat according to the criteria established by Tangerine Retreat, the company reserves the right to refuse access to the retreat site as well as the Client’s participation in the Retreat, without any possibility of a refund or change in the reservation date. This measure is taken in the interest and safety of all participants and in view of the advanced costs.

Article 9 – Liability Tangerine Institute

9.1 The Client acknowledges that the nature of the psilocybin retreat programs may involve a certain amount of personal risk. Participation in a Retreat Course is entirely at the Client’s own risk. The specific risks associated with the consumption of psilocybin include, but are not limited to :

  • Psychological Effects: anxiety, confusion, intense fear, panic, hallucinations, altered reality, psychotic episodes, temporary depression, reactivation of traumatic memories, immediate post-traumatic stress following negative or frightening experiences during the retreat.
  • Physical Effects: nausea, headaches, increased heart rate, fluctuations in blood pressure, motor disorientation, direct bodily injuries due to falls, collisions, or other physical accidents that may occur during altered states of consciousness, severe allergic reactions, or complications related to pre-existing medical conditions exacerbated by psilocybin.
  • Long-Term Reactions: changes in perception, modification of personality traits, hallucinogen-persisting perception disorder (HPPD).
  • Material Damages: damage to the participant’s personal equipment or to the organization’s property due to improper use or accidents during altered states of consciousness; loss or damage of personal belongings during the retreat due to negligence or disorientation.
  • Financial Damages: medical expenses incurred for the immediate treatment of injuries or conditions worsened by the consumption of psilocybin; costs arising from the early termination of the retreat for medical or psychological reasons, including emergency transport or other logistical arrangements.
  • Civil Liability: liability for damages caused to other participants or to the property of the retreat venue due to reckless or negligent behavior under the influence of psilocybin.

Tangerine Institute shall not be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage that the participant may suffer during or as a result of participation in a Retreat Course. No form of compensation, refund, or reimbursement will exceed the amount that the Client paid to participate in the Retreat Course, and this only if Tangerine Institute’s liability is expressly proven by a direct and confirmed fault on its part.

9.2 The Client agrees to have civil liability insurance as well as health insurance that covers all medical and repatriation costs during their participation in a Retreat Stay in the Netherlands. This coverage must be in effect for the entire duration of the stay.

9.3 Liability for indirect damage such as consequential damage, delay damage, loss of profit or loss of turnover is excluded.

9.4 Tangerine Institute is not liable for damage to private properties of the participant.

9.5 Tangerine Institute is not liable for damage of any kind as a consequence of (potentially) incorrect or incomplete information, recommendations or advice provided in relation to the Retreat Course. This includes (but is not limited to): the information, recommendations or advice provided by Tangerine Institute or through the Retreat Material, the brochure or any other work resulting from or related to the Retreat Course.

9.6 Tangerine Institute is not liable if a participant doesn’t follow the instructions.

9.7 In the event that a participant is unable to attend a retreat, they are not permitted to transfer their registration to someone else, as it is non-transferable.

9.8 The Basic Agreements regarding participation to Tangerine Retreat is part of the General Conditions and the Retreat Agreement. If the client does not agree with the arrangements stipulated there, Tangerine Institute is entitled to not accept the Client for the Retreat Course.

Article 10 – Provision of Retreat material

10.1 Tangerine Institute provides the Retreat Material on the first day of the Retreat Course.

Article 11 – Confidentiality

11.1 Tangerine Institute, its staff and people working for Tangerine Institute will treat the information provided by the Client as confidential. On this matter, Tangerine Institute complied with the applicable privacy legislation.

Article 12 – Personal information

12.1 Tangerine Institute processes the personal information provided by the client or participant conforming to the privacy policy available on the Website.

12.2 Photography: in the course of participation in a Retreat Course, photos or videos may be taken from Clients or facilitators. These images may be used in any materials, website, Facebook, etc., unless participants specifically request to the photographer or In Writing to us, to not use any material your image is depicted in. Otherwise, permission is granted to perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide, irrevocable license to use such images for publicity and promotional purposes.

Article 13 – Intellectual property rights

13.1 All intellectual property rights, including the copyright, concerning the by Tangerine Institute provided and compiled retreat material (excluding books available in the market) are with Tangerine Institute. Nothing from these publications can be multiplied or made public without written approval of Tangerine Institute.

Article 14 – Modification of the general conditions

14.1 These General Conditions can be modified by Tangerine Institute. We will inform the Client about an modification of the General Conditions by the Client through the contact details provided by registration.

Article 15 – Complaint Procedure

15.1 In case a Client has a dispute with or complaint about Tangerine Institute, the Client first has to submit the dispute or complaint to Tangerine Institute.

Article 16 – Dispute settlement rules

16.1 The agreement is governed by the laws of the Netherlands, unless on the basis of mandatory legal provisions the law of another country applies. 

16.2 Any disputes, including disputes that are considered as such by one of the parties only, that may arise as a result of, or in connection with, the Retreat Agreement governed by these conditions, will be decided by the competent court in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. If another court has jurisdiction based on the (consumer) law, the consumer has one month to express his preference to litigate in that other court.