Archive for the
‘Retreats’ Category

10 October 2023




Reading Time: 6 minutes A Mystical Gateway to the Unknown Since time immemorial, humanity has sought ways to connect with the divine, to understand the inexplicable, and to access higher states of consciousness. From this quest for meaning, art, religions, and spirituality have emerged. Nothing less! "*" indicates required fields Be the first to knowSubscribe to the newsletter As […]

Reading Time: 9 minutes Can depression be treated with psychedelic retreats? Faced with the challenges of living with depression, each person seeks their own path to healing. People explore different therapies, alternative approaches, or spiritual practices. Some may consult a psychiatrist or opt for talk therapy. Others explore different therapies, alternative approaches, or spiritual practices. In the quest for […]

Reading Time: 6 minutes The psychedelic journey is an extraordinary experience. And for good reason, there is nothing ordinary about feeling heightened emotions or experiencing a grand and bizarre inner film that no one else can witness. The name Ayahuasca alone carries a promise of mystical adventure in the great tradition of the Amazonian peoples. But beyond the clichés, […]