Retreats Program

HomeRetreats Program
the place where enjoy the psychedelic retreat

What is a psychedelic retreat center?

A psilocybin-assisted retreat offers the opportunity to discover and consume magic mushrooms safely and legally. For participants, the goal is to have a transformative experience.

Our psychedelic retreat center indeed welcomes and supports individuals seeking to enhance their spiritual or mental well-being. In a protected environment, everything invites them to embark on a new journey and gain a deeper understanding of themselves.

An Emotional Breakthrough

As a retreat center, our role is to enable participants to reach an altered state of consciousness, an emotional breakthrough. This profound individual experience is only achievable by harnessing the full potential of psilocybin.

To achieve this, we provide a gentle, friendly, and personalized approach. Because to experience a virtuous spiritual journey and open up to long-lasting positive thoughts, the quality of guidance is essential.


  • 1 remote, one-on-one interview with your facilitator;
  • 1 remote group meeting;
  • 2 on-site, one-on-one interviews with your facilitator;
  • 2 on-site collective discussion circles.


  • Remote integration circle 1 week after the retreat;
  • Monthly integration group via video conference for 1 year.


  • Personal one-on-one work with facilitators;
  • Relaxation: yoga sessions, walks in the woods, or breathing exercises;
  • Group relaxation during delightful vegetarian meals, musical evenings, or storytelling sessions.
A vegan buffet at the retreat

Get Comfortable

Comfort, the starting point of your relaxation

Tangerine Retreat offers its participants an ideal retreat location with a pool. In the middle of the forest, in a charming village in the Netherlands, you can disconnect from negative thoughts, stress, and everything that weighs you down.

On-site, various activities such as yoga or breathwork enhance the days. In the evenings, we organize moments for you to unwind. The program includes a vegetarian buffet prepared on-site, live music, sharing playlists, or storytelling sessions!

The Magic Truffle Ceremony

Step into the realm of mushrooms

The “mushroom ceremony” begins with music. Each person decides, with guidance from their facilitator, the dosage they wish to take. The concoction is prepared in an atmosphere of solemnity, allowing everyone to reflect on their expectations.

At the end of a ritual imbued with mysticism, our facilitators finally accompany you to the psychedelic journey room.

each participant receives his own dosage of truffles
talking circle with the facilitators

The Psychedelic Journey

Experience of a lifetime

Afterward, lying down, immersed in inspiring music, with an eye mask on (for those who prefer), you embark on an inner quest full of meaning. Guided by the hallucinogenic mushrooms, your senses awaken, and the brain reconnects with hidden emotions.

From this chemical upheaval sometimes arises the experience of a lifetime, a monumental realization, and a new way of seeing the world. Professionals watch over their participants throughout the entire journey.

A Relationship of Trust

Learn to rely on the facilitators

At Tangerine Retreat, preparation involves creating a climate of trust between your facilitator and you. Trust is not a word thrown around lightly: in fact, to fully embrace the psychedelic journey, participants need to be able to rely on the team.

Knowing that they can be vulnerable without judgment and receive assistance when needed. The facilitator’s expertise lies in becoming someone before whom one can lay bare their emotions and upon whom one can depend.

Music moment at the evening
A one on one meeting in the garden

Preparing the Minds

Identify Your Obstacles

Through several confidential interviews, the facilitator helps you synthesize the themes you wish to explore. This preparatory work is aimed at resonating the psilocybin with target emotions from your journey. You express what you want: the key is clarity for you.

To undertake this intimate and necessary process, we have scheduled multiple one-on-one discussion sessions.

1 Year to Integrate the Changes

Shift your Configuration

The final stage of a retreat is called integration. It involves a series of group meetings to adopt new habits and reconnect with the retreat atmosphere. Tangerine Retreat offers one year of integration, with monthly appointments either with your group or with all former participants of our psychedelic retreats.

Under the guidance of our team, you discuss your experience, discoveries, challenges, and new habits. Whatever happens, you are not alone!

a group circle at the end of the retreat

Attention, the program of activities and evenings may vary depending on the retreats, contact us to learn more!

Woman after a psychedelic retreat

Places available for our next date:

Psychedelic Retreat in the Netherlands

December 2-4, 2024

Spoken language(s) : Spoken language(s) french Spoken language(s) english Spoken language(s) german


You are in good hands. Our team ensures your safety at all times and prevents any risky situations. We all have experience with psychedelic consumption and/or psychological assistance.


Our program includes only legal activities in the Netherlands. Similarly, the consumption of psilocybin truffles is completely permitted in the country. You will not face any legal risks by enrolling in a psilocybin retreat.


We conduct a rigorous candidate selection process to avoid any unwanted interactions between psilocybin and the health of our participants. We are vigilant about individuals on antidepressant therapy or with psychiatric or medical contraindications.