10 October 2023 Reading: 6 mins

A Mystical Gateway to the Unknown

Since time immemorial, humanity has sought ways to connect with the divine, to understand the inexplicable, and to access higher states of consciousness. From this quest for meaning, art, religions, and spirituality have emerged. Nothing less!

But more than faith or artistic emotion, the ceremony involving magic mushrooms stands out for its ability to take us beyond everything we know. Psilocybin mushrooms possess hallucinogenic properties so potent that they have been used in sacred rituals around the world since prehistory.

How does a mushroom ceremony unfold?

The ceremonies practiced today are often inspired by indigenous traditions from Central America. In these cultures, mushrooms have been used for centuries for spiritual and medicinal purposes by shamans or curanderos (Hispanic healers).

These rituals involve several necessary steps to optimize the influence of the psychoactive molecule on neurons and minimize side effects (nausea, confusion). Because psilocybin is powerful, a structured setting allows for better control.

Preparation of Mental and Emotional State


The ceremony actually begins several days before the ingestion of psilocybin. Leading up to their experience, participants define an intention that represents their personal growth: it’s a goal to pursue, a strength to embrace, or a difficulty to overcome. This idea accompanies and guides their spiritual journey. By repeating this intention, they create a cognitive anchor that will stimulate specific memories and emotions.


On the day of the ceremony, participants follow a specific diet from the moment they wake up to simplify the assimilation of the substance. They avoid certain heavy, sweet, or stimulating foods that can fatigue the body and mind.

Guidance and Safety


After these initial steps, the much-anticipated moment arrives. Each person takes their dose of psilocybin truffles. As everyone prepares to embark on an unforgettable journey, the shaman or facilitator creates a reassuring atmosphere. Throughout the ceremony, they are there to guide the ritual, ensure the safety of each participant, and calm any apprehensions. They may play music, remain silent, or provide support to participants through their experience.


The initial effects manifest within 30 minutes to 1 hour and last for 3 to 5 hours. Each consumer has a highly personal experience. Depending on the individual, it may involve a cascade of emotions, resurgences, hallucinations, insights, or a sense of belonging. It’s a suspended moment, almost surreal, unlike anything we experience in daily life.


Finally, as the effects begin to fade, the guide, facilitator, or shaman gradually concludes the psychedelic ceremony with music, prayers, or other rituals.

Long-Term Impression


One might think that everything is done and that psilocybin has taken its effect. In reality, it is after the ceremony that the most significant changes are possible. The brain is in a malleable state, and genuine transformations can be initiated.

In the days or weeks following the ceremony, it is essential to take the time to reflect on the experience and integrate it into daily life. Integration sessions can take various forms: sessions with therapists, discussions with facilitators, or personal work. The longer the integration lasts, the more beneficial it can be.

The Discovery of Psychedelic Ceremonies

So, that’s the practical aspect of the mushroom ceremony. What is astonishing is how these sacred rituals, so distant from our modern customs, resonate in the lives of some Westerners. To better understand this, perhaps we need to trace the origins of our spirituality.

The Shamanic Ceremonies of the Mazatecs

If we trace back to the origins, we discover that magic mushrooms play a central role in many spiritual traditions. Some, like the Mazatecs of Mexico, are still active today. Far more than mere hallucinogens, their psychotropic effect is the key to an intimate connection with the universe, a pathway to self-understanding and the world. For the Mazatecs, mushrooms are, in fact, like messengers from the gods.

The Renaissance of Mushroom Ceremonies

For a long time, the mushroom cult remained unknown beyond the sacred mountains of the state of Oaxaca. However, the modern history of psilocybin begins in the 1950s in the Mexican village of Huautla de Jiménez. A Western couple would change the course of events by meeting the Mazatec curandera Maria Sabina. The healer was known to use Psilocybe mexicana mushrooms daily for therapeutic purposes to treat various illnesses or discomforts.

Robert Gordon Wasson, an American banker and amateur ethnomycologist, and his wife, Valentina Pavlovna Guercken, a Russian pediatrician, initiated themselves into the psychedelic ceremony at Maria Sabina‘s request.

Through an article published in Life magazine and several books (“Soma: Divine Mushroom of Immortality” or “The Discovery of the Magic Mushrooms“), Wasson would introduce the Western public to the psychedelic potentials of psilocybin.

From Ancient Times to the Modern Era

These publications sparked the interest of many Americans in scientific and artistic circles. At the time, a significant portion of the human population still bore the scars of World War II or lived under the shadow of Cold War anxieties.

Orphans of the Spiritual World

The disconnect between the Western world and the spiritual realm dates back even further. Since the scientific discoveries championed by Galileo (Italia) and Charles Darwin (United Kingdom), the Western world has become disconnected from the divine. This is precisely what Friedrich Nietzsche alludes to in “Thus Spoke Zarathustra“: the disappearance of the sacred, “the death of God.”

With industrialization, Western man found no substitute for God. Gradually, the world has become consumed by perpetual urgency, leaving little room for spiritual pursuits: the imperative is to produce, compete with other nations, and consume to sustain the economy. The abundance of goods and the ease of acquiring them foster a certain superficiality. There are numerous satisfactions, but they are temporary and, unfortunately, of low intensity.

In search of a spiritual renewal

In contrast, the West has maintained a strong image of traditional cultures, steeped in powerful and meaningful rituals. Shamanism seems to represent the culmination of a complete connection to the mysteries of the spirit world.

The West’s quest for a transcendent experience is evident every day: practices from other cultures have become widespread to fill the apparent spiritual void. Yoga, Reiki, Ayurveda, crystal healing, and even shamanism are now common pursuits.

The contemporary resurgence of interest in mushroom ceremonies is part of this quest for meaning. That’s why, for over 60 years, numerous artists, therapists, and curious individuals have sought to understand and experience what these mushrooms can offer.

Why Participate in a Magic Mushroom Ceremony?

It is precisely the disconnect between the modern world and traditional rituals that drives many individuals to seek deep and authentic experiences. Magic mushrooms and the altered states of consciousness they induce seem to offer a gateway to this pursuit.

Rediscovering Inner Light

For many, the initial interest in psychedelic shamanism is rooted in a quest for meaning or a desire to reconnect with oneself. Ancient rituals appear to meet our need to feel something profound that transcends bodily sensations and connects us to the vastness of existence. Others report emotional healing and relief from past traumas.

Therapeutic Extensions

Some are specifically motivated by the potential revolutionary therapeutic applications. From a medical perspective, research is increasingly focusing on the potential benefits of psychedelics. Studies suggest that certain substances, including magic mushrooms, could be effective in treating conditions ranging from depression to obsessive-compulsive disorders to addiction. These molecules could thus revolutionize the field of psychiatry, offering alternatives to traditional medications.

Some researchers also support the hypothesis that the results are even more significant when mushroom ingestion is preceded by a ritualized psilocybin ceremony.

What Role for Magic Mushroom Ceremonies?

Some purists fear that the purity of this rite might disappear. However, it is clear that the initial experience remains unchanged: a quest for truth, a deep connection to nature and humanity, an exploration of the depths of the soul. Modernity may have altered the form, but the essence remains.

Thus, despite differences of opinion, the growing interest in magic mushrooms reflects an innate human desire to understand and transcend one’s own nature. In an era marked by social, economic, and environmental upheaval, these unique ceremonies seem to offer some individuals a path to healing and transformation. One thing is certain: they mirror a world in search of renewal.

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FAQ about magic mushroom ceremonies

How Long Does a Magic Mushroom Ceremony Last?

Including the preparation ritual, a psychedelic mushroom ceremony typically lasts around 6 hours. It is also advisable to allocate 2 to 3 hours of rest after the psychedelic effects have subsided.

Is a Magic Mushroom Ceremony Necessary?

Several studies and testimonials suggest that participating in a ceremony enhances the quality of the psychedelic experience and its long-term effects. A well-supervised and solemn ceremony can also reduce or even eliminate the risk of a bad trip with magic mushrooms.

Can I Conduct a Ceremony Alone?

A magic mushroom ceremony, by its nature, requires the presence of a guide. The guide prepares the participant for the journey and ensures their safety, guarding against any potentially risky behaviors.

Can You Have a Bad Trip During a Magic Mushroom Ceremony?

For healthy individuals consuming psilocybin, there is generally no significant risk of a bad trip. However, if preparation and guidance are inadequate, the initial stages of the hallucinogenic journey can be challenging. This concept of a “challenging” experience is significantly moderated when the ceremony is orchestrated by experienced and responsible individuals, as is the case in a retreat or psychedelic therapy.

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